Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Destructors

 The Destructors

1.) Which character is most dynamic? static ?  
In my opinion, Trevor is most dynamic and Blackie is most static. I believe that Trevor is most dynamic because he starts off as just a member of the group but works his way up to being the leader by showing his determination and reliability to the group. He goes through many changes in the story and many of his character traits change, he becomes much more determined and independent.  Although Blackie is a main character, i believe he is most static because his character doesn't really change, it stays the same throughout the whole story after he no longer is considered the " leader "

2.) What elements of Trevor's character make him well suited for leading the gang on the Bank holiday?
Some of the elements of Trevor's character make him well suited for being the group leader because he is determined , he shows initiative , he also has the best ideas as to how they will "destruct" Old Misery's house. He pays the closest attention to detail which makes him the best suited for the group.

4.) Explain why you think the story is called "The Destructors" rather than "The Destroyers"
I believe the story is called " The Destructors " rather than " The Destroyers" because the word "destruct" sends a more vivid picture to the reader, the word destruct is more harsh and makes me visualize something completely ruined rather then just destroyed. The title is more effective and gives the reader a better understanding of the story , it shows more emotion rather then just a dull title like " The Destructors " 

3.) Discuss the ways in which the author manages to cloud morality in the story.

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