Monday, September 20, 2010

The Shining Houses

The Shining Houses

1) Explain what type of narration is used in this story.
- The types of narration used in this story, are present progressive narration and third person narration. The Shining Houses tells the whole novel and gives the reader an idea of whats going on without using Mary's opinion.  This story is also present progressive narration because the story is taking place in the present and the whole plot is what was going on at the time.

2) How is "The Shining Houses" structured? Why do you suppose Munro structured the narrative this way?
- The Shining Houses in structured in a way that you get to learn about the characters before they tell give you any information about whats going on. First, you learn about Mrs.Fullerton and what her house is like and her personality traits and then you learn about Mary and the other people that live in town. I think he structured it this way so you have more sympathy and understanding for Mrs.Fullerton and Mary. It gives you a better idea of whats going on.

3) Discuss irony in the story with respect to the title
- The irony of this novel is that the houses we're not actually shining but far from it. The author used irony to show the difference between the characters and explain just how different they were. Mrs.Fullertons house is the prime example , the author uses irony to describe just how different her house was from everybody else and what exactly made it different.

4) What distinction does the story highlight in terms of the difference between legal and moral?
- The story highlights that although the house may be dangerous or out of place, Mary didn't believe it was right to get rid of or fix. Although the others wanted to do something about Mrs.Fullerton's house Mary was thinking about what was right or wrong.

5) Sketch Mary's character. (note: this doesn't mean draw her, rather it means to describe her in terms of the definition above)  
- Mary is a gentle, affectionate and helpful lady. Mary cares about her community and the people in it, but she refused to sign when it came to Mrs.Fullerton , while no one else cared Mary stepped in and supported her, it shows that she's kind hearted and respectful. 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mrs.Brill -- Questions & Answers


1) Describe the narration used in "Miss Brill"
I believe that there is a few different types of narration used in " Miss Brill " , these types of narration include Limited narration and unreliable narration. I believe these are the two types of narration because the story is often jumbled and you are often not sure if the events in the story are actually taking place because " Mrs Brill" is perceived as senile or somewhat crazy. The naration was unreliable because to me, the story was very misleading and i was never quite sure as to what exactly was going on.

2) How reliable is the narration in "Miss Brill"? What are some clues that the actual events in the story are somewhat different than the narrator's version?
The narration in " Miss Brill " is very unreliable. The story is often mixed up and no one really knows what is happening. One clue which seems like the actual event is different then the narrators version, is in the end when it says " But when she put the lid on she thought she heard something crying " , i believe this is different because Mrs.Brill doesn't seem like she's in the right sense of mind so she could've thought she heard something crying when it was actually her.
Ps - My answers may not be correct, i found this story rather confusing.

The Destructors

 The Destructors

1.) Which character is most dynamic? static ?  
In my opinion, Trevor is most dynamic and Blackie is most static. I believe that Trevor is most dynamic because he starts off as just a member of the group but works his way up to being the leader by showing his determination and reliability to the group. He goes through many changes in the story and many of his character traits change, he becomes much more determined and independent.  Although Blackie is a main character, i believe he is most static because his character doesn't really change, it stays the same throughout the whole story after he no longer is considered the " leader "

2.) What elements of Trevor's character make him well suited for leading the gang on the Bank holiday?
Some of the elements of Trevor's character make him well suited for being the group leader because he is determined , he shows initiative , he also has the best ideas as to how they will "destruct" Old Misery's house. He pays the closest attention to detail which makes him the best suited for the group.

4.) Explain why you think the story is called "The Destructors" rather than "The Destroyers"
I believe the story is called " The Destructors " rather than " The Destroyers" because the word "destruct" sends a more vivid picture to the reader, the word destruct is more harsh and makes me visualize something completely ruined rather then just destroyed. The title is more effective and gives the reader a better understanding of the story , it shows more emotion rather then just a dull title like " The Destructors " 

3.) Discuss the ways in which the author manages to cloud morality in the story.

Interesting Quotation, Jess.

What's the source? Is it yours? Is there a reason you decided to go all lower case?

Oh, and just so you know, I can't see your "Miss Brill" responses yet because you have them saved but not published. If they are ready to go, would you please open up that post (by choosing "edit post") and then selecting "Publish Post"?


Don't forget, you can ask questions at any time about how to do this.